viernes, 3 de junio de 2011


in my free time I usually read books or newspapers, play violin, I see drama movies, cook, listen to music, take pictures, go swimming or running, eat an ice cream, design houses, watch TV, travel, visit my friends, visit my aunts.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

my last vacations

On my last vacation I went to Amazon, this vacation was very good.
On the first day walked for the city of Leticia, met a great museum, and ate fish from the region this fhis is called Pirarucu, really I didn't like it. 

On the second day we visited some indigenous communities. and we sail on the Amazon River is very beautiful and extensive,but we were very careful because the river had risen so had piranhas and is very dangerous, and also met the national park Amacayacu.


on the third day we visited the border of Brazil where we ate local food is good
on the fourth day we walked through the jungle to get to San Martin of Amacayacu and we saw a variety of monkeys and toucans.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

what is an achievement?

An achievement is the obtaining of something that has been trying for some time and have put  much effort.

what is a project?

A project is a set of activities seeking meet a specific objective and this is achieved in a time specific.

what is a plan?

A plan is a project, is a model that be ago before do an action, is clarify the details before of do a work.

what is a goal?

A goal is a dream  that is same that a objective. a goal is to want to get something in a particular situation. is a stair to arrive to your end